Halloween time is a time filled with things coming out of the road corners in an unexpected fashion. It also means a lot of disguise and getting about with things and playing with “ Halloween fears..” Every bit of fun can turn disastrous both for the host as well as the guests if the jobs undertaken are not done with proper planning.
Here are some safety tips that can glue situations together without things getting out of hand and causing pain instead of joy for all. Halloween is about the most mind boggling costumes and unexpected presences. One can get about with the queerest form of dresses that can run shivers down the back. However, whatever one does it has to be done in a secure and safe way.
All about costumes and props:
Halloween safety tips start with Costumes which may be stitched at home or bought from shops. What has to be kept in mind is that the material should be flame resistant and up to the standards set up by the Federal laws. One may have costumes made from nylon or polyester and following the standards of Federal Flammable Costumes Act, or the FFA. Buy from reputed online costume stores and try stitching on reflector lights onto the costumes so that they are visible easily at night. The costumes should be stitched to the right length to avoid tripping and ensure freedom of movement. One should be able to hear honking of cars or someone calling out to them. The tags should be stitched on the costumes, explaining the name, address, contact number of the relative or friend of the kid or person wearing the costume for proper identification.
Props are often integral to a host’s house but they should be safe. Every guest arriving at the house will be naturally expecting surprises and Halloween visuals around, but the care should be taken to ensure that no accidents occur, especially with children and older people. In order words Halloween safety tips must be adhered carefully. The space having skeletons out of a creepy looking cupboard, may be lighted with glow lights just to ensure that they do not get in the way of going round the house or the yard.
Food and Goodies and Trips to the Neighborhood..
Halloween includes group visits or solitary visit to neighborhood. Make sure the smaller children are with elders while visiting the neighborhood, and have mobiles with GPRS tracking facilities with them. Teach them to run away, or shout, if strangers offer goodies, and ask for help. Halloween safety tips include teaching them to be careful at crossroads and watch out for cars, as there may be drunken drivers. Even when in the Halloween party for elders, keep a balance between hard drinks and food. Kids should stay away from popping any number of candies and the like coming on their way leading to indigestion. Care should be taken about the pets accompanying the kids or adults by putting tags with owners name, addresses and contact numbers. Avoid drunken driving or talking on mobile while driving as accidents occur. And then… HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
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